March 31, 2015

Different types of status codes in HTML

I hope everyone who searches web will come across this where you are taken to some other page which says Error 404 not found. This means 404 is a status code given by the server if it did not find the page you are searching for. There are many status codes like this with which we can build an awesome UX by knowing them. Here are a few common error codes we face.

  1. 200 -OK- Action Finished Successfully. we use this code generally in AJAX requests.
  2. 201 - CREATED - While posting the data with POST.
  3. 202 - ACCEPTED - Just accepted but not processed.
  4. 204 - NO CONTENT - No content to send back.
  5. 301 - MOVED PERMANENTLY - Requested file moved to the new location.
  6. 401 - UNAUTHORISED - Wrong Username/Password.
  7. 403 - FORBIDDEN - No permission to view specific file with direct path.
  8. 404 - NOT FOUND - The file you have requested has not found in the server.
  9. 500 - SERVER ERROR - Some sort of server errors like internet problem etc.
  10. 504 - GATEWAY TIME OUT - Due to the more waiting time may be due to internet speed etc.
So these are some of the important error codes. If you are interested in exploring them you can do that any time. Just open Google and search for the same. Okay guys, I hope you liked the tutorial if you have any queries just mail me or comment below.

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