May 7, 2015

Better combination of languages to write an awesome website

Every developer before starting to write some code to develop a website, need to think and consider some languages which fulfil their requirements. A developer needs to takes so many issues into consideration to start his/her application and accordingly need to choose languages. Some of such things include UI, UX, FUNCTIONALITY, SECURITY etc.

In this post I am writing about the languages to choose to fulfil almost all the above needs.

  1. HTML / HTML 5
This is the most common language which is used in every web based application. After advancement of HTML 5 Developers are able to develop awesome applications in mobile platform too . This language is commonly used for laying out your website.

    2. CSS / CSS 3 

This used to style the webpages written in HTML. Both HTML and CSS combines to create Front-End of the web site.


After creating the basic look for your website now you want to give more awesomeness to your application by creating some animations and also create interactions between your website and a client. To accomplish this task u need JAVASCRIPT or it's Libraries like JQUERY, TWEEN.JS, CHART.JS, 


Now a days, people are opening your applications from different screen sized devices. If your site doesn't support for different screen sizes then you are in big trouble of loosing more than 50% of your clients. Bootstrap is the best option to create responsive websites very easily with very less code .  is the official website.


The above language helps you to create world class User Interface and User Experience. Now comes the main part for any application i,e. Functionality. In present days no one wants any static website. Every one needs it with more and more functionalities and also in a secured way. Now to handle that LARAVEL is the awesome framework written on the basis of PHP. It helps you create most secured websites in some minutes. is the official website.

So, this is it guys. Try mastering these languages and create awesome websites. Happy Coading

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