June 3, 2015

Choosing the text editors before writing the first line of code

Are you a developer? You are writing at least 10 lines of code per day? Your pretty confused to choose your text editor to write better readable code? This tutorial is for you.

Text Editors play a major role in day to day life of a developer. A better Text Editor makes life of a Developer much better. Before you start to write a single statement of code, it's very important to choose good text editor or IDE which suites for you and creates great environment for your development works.

Now, I am going to give out some names and links to most used Text Editors by most of the developers out there. After going through this article I hope you will get some clarity on using these text editors.


Notepad++ is one of the top used text editors which is cross OS compatible. It gives more flexibility in writing code. It highlights code based on the language you choose. It automatically makes code indentations and makes more readable. But, only drawback I found is code suggestions. It don't give code suggestions. We need to writes full lines which ultimately makes us less productive.

It's free and open source. So, I highly recommend this Editor for the developers who are learning the code.


Sublime is the best software I have ever seen. It really makes my day very productive. It is very intelligent and provides great code suggestions which makes my life very easy. I highly recommend this editor for every developer.

It's not free but you will get unlimited trail period which you can use for life long.

There are hell lot of Text Editors right there in the market but, I hope these two are ultimate. If you have any better software than these two please comment below.

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